A Satisfied Look Back and an Excited Peek Ahead

Can it really be the end of the year again already? 2017 has been such a busy year for Rosetta (again), and 2018 already promises to be even busier.

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Culture-bound syndromes and how language shapes illness

In her book Sleeping Beauties, neurologist Suzanne O’Sullivan explores the phenomenon of culture-bound illnesses around the world. The conditions she is interested in are psychosomatic disorders which arise due to a complex interaction between the mind and body, but… Read More

New Manila Office

Perhaps the most momentous event of the year for us in terms of its impact on our future is the opening of our new operations base in Manila. We have had a very successful accounts outpost there for a decade, and we finally decided to roll out our long-standing plans for developing an operations base there.

Upgraded In-House DTP capacities

One important reason for this is that, as our clients are requiring more and more sophisticated capacities in terms of DTP, we have found it at times inconvenient to use freelance resources. As we have now insourced the vast majority of our DTP, these requirements are met in-house. As a result, our clients have already commented on shorter turnaround times, greater flexibility and more attractive rates for these services. Unsurprisingly, this has led to a significant increase areas such as technical manual translations, and we intend to further increase our technical in-house resources in Manila.

Seamless 24-Hour Project Management Coverage

We are also building up internal project management resources in the Philippines, with a view to having a fully-fledged 24-hour operation by the autumn of 2018. The primary aim is to supplement and support our operations in Europe and North America, again to provide greater availability, flexibility and speed to all our global customers.

Looking ahead, we also intend to further expand the range of services we run out of Manila to include increased IT capabilities, marketing services and others.

Brexit Impact Assessment

As a business headquartered in the UK, we can of course not be as slack as the UK government and we have therefore conducted our own Brexit impact assessment (unlike David Davies and his department).

Interestingly, we initially suffered a sharp three month decline in sales to our service sector clients from July to September 2016 (as many businesses presumably put a freeze on new projects, as the re-assessed their own plans and outlooks), but we have continued to experience healthy growth since. We are quietly optimistic that while Brexit (when or if it will eventually happen) will obviously put a dampener on many businesses including our own, we will continue to do well through the combination of high quality translations and excellent customer service.

We fear that the main impact of Brexit on our business will be twofold. One is the risk of losing EU business or certainly not gaining as much new EU business because Rosetta’s headquarters will be outside of the EU. Even today, people still prefer to buy local, and there will at least be a psychological pull away from choosing a supplier outside of the common legal umbrella. In some cases, there will be company rules mandating such.

Another as yet unquantifiable factor will be the increased risk of losing experienced staff. Because of the entry requirements we have (generally master in translation studies), the majority of our UK staff are non-UK EU nationals. Many of them will gradually change their plans for the future and move away from a country that doesn’t appear welcome them anymore. Brexiteers will have us believe that this is all great, because we can hire more Brits. Well, we have long tried and we just can’t: the skill-set is simply not available. The number of Modern Languages students at UK universities is in freefall and the situation is at least as bad at secondary school level.

In order to try and soften the impact of both these threats, we have started planning for setting up a new Rosetta office in a major EU country in the near future. This is an exciting prospect, ironically practically forced on us by political events here in the UK.

All in all, we are very optimistic for what promises to be a very interesting year ahead.

In that spirit, we at Rosetta wish you all a happy and prosperous 2018!

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Andreea Mohan

Taylor Wessing LLP

We are very pleased with the services provided by Rosetta Translations. They always send very prompt responses, transparent prices and deliver their work product at the highest standards.

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Jackie Brook, Sr Product Manager

American Express

Thank you very much for your prompt and efficient service.

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Conor McLarnon

Maximus Crushing and Screening

I have translated multiple projects with Rosetta now and I cannot emphasise how great the service they provide is; quality, turnaround time and pricing is the best I have found yet. The qualities of translations we receive are of the highest standard and communication from the start of a project to the end is consistent.

For a company looking into translations, I would highly recommend Rosetta as first pick, as the support and service they provide is first class.

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