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以下是一些建议,教你如何写出容易翻译成另一种语言的文章: 如果你尚未使用过罗赛塔翻译的服务,你可能不知道,我们不仅仅是翻译,在将一篇文章从一个语言翻译到另一个语言时,我们还要考虑到很多其他因素。 我们乐意帮助您拓展市场,从一开始就为您提供有帮助的服务和建议,你也可以阅读《翻译的真正价值》,了解更多详情。 例如,我们会建议客户,如何撰写一篇稿件,使其在翻译过程中更加便捷、更加流畅。 一篇容易翻译的文章,不仅仅可以节省译员的时间和精力,同时对最后译出的成品也非常重要,很大程度上影响到译作的质量。 如果原文写得好,翻译的时候无需大费周章,纠结于到底是直译还是意译(很多时候,有些文章没有办法直译,直译的效果就是读者根本看不明白),那么最后翻出来的作品会更容易被读者接受,也可以省去后续的很多麻烦。 为什么笑话很难翻译 首先,你要记住,如果一篇文章含有大量的笑话、俚语或口头禅,翻译起来会有多么头疼。 原因是,笑话并不是无国界的,在一个文化里非常好笑的内容到了另一个文化可能索然无味,同样的,一个笑话翻译成另一种语言,可能就完全不好笑了,例如,有些笑话是根据发音逗乐听众的,两种语言发音系统完全不同,那么这个笑话就无法翻译了,再比如,很多英式幽默在中国人看来一点儿都不好笑,那是因为中英两种文化背景不同,人们对幽默的理解也不同。 再者,由于每种语言的语法和句法不同,在撰写原文的时候,你需要考虑到,本来是一句话的一个笑话,如果按照原来的语句翻译成另一种语言,读者是否能看得明白。总而言之,如果遇到不确定的地方,最好还是不要把笑话些进你的文章。 以翻译为目标进行写作 如果你在写文章的时候,时刻想着,这篇文章之后是要翻译成别的语言的,那么你就能确保写的每一个词、每一句话都是深思熟虑过的。这不仅仅牵涉到成本,翻译的内容越多,译费当然就越高,同样也可以避免文章的繁复冗长。 如何才能做到这点呢?首选,需要制作一个计划,想想你需要传达的要领有哪些,以及如何才能有效地传达这些要领。尽量每一段话只写一个主题,句与句之间保持良好的过渡衔接,这样,译者就能很好地理解原文的意思。 关于写作风格,句子不要写的太长,理想的一句英文句子应该不超过35个单词。 技术翻译 在撰写一篇含有技术术语的文章时,最好能在原文中将术语标记出来,这样译员在翻译的时候就不会感到疑惑或混淆。 如果可以,尽量避免使用缩略语或行话,同一个缩略符号在不同的语言里可能有不同的含义,而在一种语言里的行话到了另一种语言里,可能是完全另一个意思,这一点同笑话是一个道理。 最后,为译员提供一些必要的背景信息,也是十分有帮助的。上下文在翻译的时候十分有用,因此,在做这项工作时,尽量多地提供背景或上下文。 罗赛塔翻译的项目经理可为您提供更多有关这方面的建议,以确保译文的质量。欢迎联系我们,获取免费报价。… Read More

What our regular clients say about us:

“I have been extremely happy with your fast, efficient, low cost and friendly service
which has been received well by both myself and my client.” David Savell.
“Rosetta always offer competitive pricing when I ring round for a quote and their service is consistently excellent. They have gone the extra mile for me before, dropping off documents by hand after hours. Certainly recommended.” Peter Reid, Associate.
“Thank you again for your prompt service.” Patricia Potter.
“I am very satisfied with the service I have received so far, especially with the efficiency and accuracy of the quotes.” Felix Germann, Guest Liaisons.

“Thanks ever so much for your efficient service.” Jayne Freeman.

“Thank you very much again for excellent service.” Sarah Nash.
“Thank you very much. And thank you for the ultra quick turnaround – I really appreciate it! We will certainly be using Rosetta Translation again in the future.” Hayley Fitchett.
“Your Company recently provided translational services which I was very impressed with.” Lesley McGuigan.
“Thank you for a first class service.” Geoffrey Barrett.
“Thank you for your excellent service and professionalism.” Morwenna Stewart.
“Thank you for the documents which arrived safely, and also the excellent service.” Tom Tripp.

Rosetta Translation is rated 5/5 based on 11 reviews

Andreea Mohan

Taylor Wessing LLP

We are very pleased with the services provided by Rosetta Translations. They always send very prompt responses, transparent prices and deliver their work product at the highest standards.

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Jackie Brook, Sr Product Manager

American Express

Thank you very much for your prompt and efficient service.

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Conor McLarnon

Maximus Crushing and Screening

I have translated multiple projects with Rosetta now and I cannot emphasise how great the service they provide is; quality, turnaround time and pricing is the best I have found yet. The qualities of translations we receive are of the highest standard and communication from the start of a project to the end is consistent.

For a company looking into translations, I would highly recommend Rosetta as first pick, as the support and service they provide is first class.

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